
2024 Pool Season- Pool is open
The Leyden Rock pool is available to Leyden Rock residents and non-resident members. If you are a non-resident looking to purchase a pool membership, the fee for the season is $900. Please reach out to Operations Coordinator, Christine to proceed with a non-resident pool membership christine.ahern@advancehoa.com
A pool key FOB is required for entry.

- A valid key fob and picture ID is required for entry. Pool staff reserve the right to do spot checks to verify eligibility to use the pool.
- No person 13 years of age and younger is allowed in the pool area unless accompanied by an adult over 18 years of age, or a minor aged 16-17 for whom a “Minor Release Form” is on file with the District. Children 14-17 may swim unsupervised after their parents turn in a “Minor Release Form” to use the amenities without adult supervision.
- An adult or minor aged 16-17 for whom a “Minor Release Form” is on file with the District must be in the pool and within reach of all children of non-swimming ability aged 9 and under.
- Proper swim attire is required. Swimmers are to provide their own towels and swimwear.
- Any person not able to control his or her bodily functions must wear swim diapers beneath his or her bathing suit. No plastic, disposable or cloth diapers are permitted.
- Each property shall be allowed five (5) guests per day for use of the pool.
- Animals (except service animals) are not allowed in the pool area. Pets may not be left outside the pool area unattended, or tied to the fence, at any time.
- No glass of any kind is allowed in or around the pool area. Only plastic and paper containers may be used, and users must clean up after themselves. No alcohol is permitted in the pool area at any time. Failure to adhere to this rule may cause loss of pool privileges.
- No running, diving, rough play or excessive noise is allowed in the pool or locker room area. FOUL, ABUSIVE OR LOUD LANGUAGE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE FACILITIES.
- Squirt guns, diving toys and reasonably sized flotation devices shall be allowed as long as use of these items does not interfere at any time with another individual’s enjoyment of the facility.
- No bicycles, skateboards, roller blades or similar are permitted in the pool area.
- Smoking and/or tobacco, marijuana and other similar products are not permitted in the pool area or within 25 feet of the pool fence.
- The pool may be closed when air temperature is 65 degrees and below, or when lightning is spotted.

Pool Key Fob Information
Key FOBs are the same for the 2019-2023 seasons
In order to receive your key FOBs you must complete the required District forms
Waiver and Consent FormPool Use FormIf applicable, the below form is to authorize a minor between the age of 14-17 to swim unattended
Minor Release FormPlease contact Operations Coordinator, Christine Ahern, christine.ahern@advancehoa.com to inquire about receiving your FOBs. If you are looking to replace lost FOBs, please read below.
Please note the following:
Only 2 FOBs are allocated and assigned to each household, and extras (beyond 2 per household) will not be provided unless lost. Old/lost FOBs will be deactivated and new ones issued to homeowners for a fee of $10 for the first replacement and $25 for the second or any other subsequent replacements. The first two FOBs will be provided at no cost for those new residents or other residents who have not received their FOBs previously. A FOB replacement form must be completed along with payment in order to receive replacement FOBs. All payments for key FOBs must be made by check, payable to the Leyden Rock Metro District.