Snow Removal Plan 2024-2025

Leyden Rock is comprised of land that is owned by individual lot owners, the City of Arvada, and the Metropolitan District. The attached maps identify District and City of Arvada owned lands and identifies the District’s responsibility for snow removal. Unidentified areas on the map are the responsibility of the individual lot owners.
Streets - City of Arvada
The City of Arvada has a snow and ice removal plan that can be found at: Snow & Ice Control | Arvada, CO ( They are responsible for plowing the streets (red and blue) which have been designated as priority one and two, respectively. For questions or concerns regarding City of Arvada street snow plowing please call the City of Arvada Street Division at (720) 898-7725.
Click the link below for the City of Arvada Interactive Snow Map that displays the snow removal route throughout the district.
Snow and Ice Control Operations (
Please note that the District does not conduct street snow plowing on the roads that are not plowed by the City of Arvada.
Sidewalks - District Areas
Click Here for District Snow Removal Maps - The page 1 map attached shows the boundaries for the various filings within the District outlined in the black dotted line.
On the attached maps pages 2-7, the District has identified the areas highlighted in RED for snow clearing at an approximate height of 2-3 inches.
- General areas for snow clearing include district common areas and sidewalks that do not have homes/units adjoining and areas surrounding mailbox kiosks.
- Snow that will not naturally be removed by warm conditions and sunlight within a 24 hour period after the storm will be removed no later than noon the day after the storm subsides.
- After the initial clearing, the snow will be cleared in approximately 4” intervals and at the end of the storm.
- Snow removal will not occur on soft surface paths.
Sidewalks - Individual Lots
In addition to the aforementioned policies, individual lot owners are responsible for clearing the sidewalks adjacent to their home. For the safety of the entire community, City of Arvada ordinances require that snow be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours following the end of a storm.
For questions or concerns regarding individual lot sidewalk snow removal please call City of Arvada Code Enforcement at (720) 898-7465 or visit Code Enforcement (Neighborhood Services) | Arvada, CO ( to submit a code violation online.
For general District snow removal questions, please contact the District Office at (303) 423-0270.